Alison Myzal

Direct Support Professional at LifePath, Inc. - Greenfield, MA, US

Alison Myzal's Contact Details
LifePath, Inc.
Alison Myzal's Company Details
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LifePath, Inc.

Greenfield, MA, US • 100 - 249 Employees

At LifePath, we listen first, and then help each person find the best options for their unique needs. We help elders and persons with disabilities maintain independence and quality of life in their own homes and communities. We help busy caregivers to find relief and help loved ones to choose the right path.As we have been for over 40 years, we'll be there offering options for independence. We welcome all people regardless of race, physical appearance and ability, sex, age, nationality and ancestry, class, religious and political beliefs, marital status, sexual orientation, and gender identity.LifePath, a private, non-profit organization, serves Franklin County plus Athol, Petersham, Phillipston, and Royalston in Worcester County in Massachusetts. Additionally, Adult Family Care, Personal Care Attendant, and SHINE serve Hampshire County and parts or all of Hampden County, and Elder Protective Services and Personal Care Attendant serve Berkshire County.LifePath, Inc., is an Area Agency on Aging and Aging Services Access Point, funded in part by the federal Older Americans Act, Executive Office of Elder Affairs, MassHealth Office of Long-Term Care, United Way of Franklin County, and other sources both public and private. LifePath is operated by a local volunteer Board of Directors, a majority of who are, by law, elders. As an AA/EOE employer, LifePath does not discriminate in program admissions, access, services, or employment practices.

Elder Services/Aging in Place/Healthy Aging Caregiver Support Information & Referral Assisting Persons with Disabilities Information & Referral Information & Referral
Details about LifePath, Inc.
Frequently Asked Questions about Alison Myzal
Alison Myzal currently works for LifePath.
Alison Myzal's role at LifePath is Direct Support Professional.
Alison Myzal's email address is *** To view Alison Myzal's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Alison Myzal works in the Individual & Family Services industry.
Alison Myzal's colleagues at LifePath, Inc. are Kelly Oswald, Rachel Paul, Ty Tylou, Jennifer Mull, Wanda Aguila, Melissa Huff, Charles Regec and others.
Alison Myzal's phone number is 413-773-5555
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