Polly is a free, confidential and anonymous helpline and webchat service. Open Mon-Weds 12pm-4pm. A helpline for every woman and girl in the UK.Polly is the brainchild of the founders of CALM (a helpline for men and boys), who identified the need after seeing how many women were calling CALM's helpline, looking for support, advice, and information. Polly will be a safe place for women to talk about anything. Polly will be:- There for any woman, girl aged 13+ and anyone who identifies as female.- Confidential and anonymous.- Free to call from any phone, and calls will never show up on bills.- Open 12pm to 4pm, Mon-Weds.- Judgement-free and caller-led.- Answered by women trained with the right experience.- A place where no one is turned away. - Able to transfer callers directly to specialist services across the UK.