Alissa Slade

Chief, Bureau of Historic Preservation at Mission San Luis Archaeological Site - Tallahassee, FL, US

Alissa Slade's Contact Details
Tallahassee, Florida Area
Mission San Luis Archaeological Site
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Mission San Luis Archaeological Site logo, Mission San Luis Archaeological Site contact details

Mission San Luis Archaeological Site

Tallahassee, FL, US • 20 - 49 Employees

A visit to Mission San Luis transports you back in time. Your destination is a community where Apalachee Indians and newcomers from Spain live in close proximity drawn together by religion as well as military and economic purpose.Modern day visitors to Mission San Luis discover a re-created community where time stands still. There they meet the people of San Luis going about the tasks that sustained life centuries ago. They walk the plaza where the Apalachees played their traditional ball games. They visit the most important structure in the Apalachee village, the council house, and also stop at the home of a colonial Spanish family. Visitors are welcomed at the church built under the supervision of Franciscans, and at the friary where they lived. Mission San Luis is a very special place where history comes to life.

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Details about Mission San Luis Archaeological Site
Frequently Asked Questions about Alissa Slade
Alissa Slade currently works for Mission San Luis Archaeological Site.
Alissa Slade's role at Mission San Luis Archaeological Site is Chief, Bureau of Historic Preservation.
Alissa Slade's email address is *** To view Alissa Slade's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Alissa Slade works in the Museums industry.
Alissa Slade's colleagues at Mission San Luis Archaeological Site are Karin Stanford, Helena Sadvary, Rhamira Corbett, Elouise Odom, Gloria Harvey, Devon Wojcik, Laura Schell and others.
Alissa Slade's phone number is 850-245-6406
See more information about Alissa Slade