analise de solo at LAN CONSULTORIA FUNDAÇÕES PESADAS E GEOTECNIA - RPA - Juiz de Fora, Minas Gerais, Brazil
1) Consulting 1.1) Projects 1.2) Geotechnical 1.3) Foundation 2) Development of Projects 2.1) Architectural 2.2) Containment of Geotechnical and Slope 03.02) Foundation 3) Geotechnical Engineering 3.1) back earth retaining walls 3.2) Rods 3.3) Soil Nailing and Shotcrete; 3.4) Rock stapled 3.5) Surveys Geological / Geotechnical 3.6) Treatment Consolidation Massif injection tubes with headlines 3.7) Curtain Injection of dams with mortar 3.8) Instrumentation of Dams 3.9) Running Drains Fibroquímicos 3.10) Execution of vertical sand drains 3.11) Treatment Foundation; 3.12) Load Tests; 3.13) Enfilagens Tubular Injected Tunnel; 3.14) Recovery of Structures; 3.15) polls 3.16) Testing Laboratory (soil and rock); 3.17) Instrumentation of Dams; 4) FOUNDATION 4.1) Conventional caissons with concrete shirts compressed air 4.2) caisson with steel pipes with the aid of open-entubadeira bases with compressed air 4.3) bored piles with the aid of bentonite slurry - Stations 4.5) Stakes steel pipes - steel profiles 04.06) mechanized with Wirth bored piles with large diameter reverse circulation for 4.7) CFA piles Monitored 5) BASIS FOR RELEASE OF COMPRESSED AIR pipe (Work in hyperbaric conditions) 6) MANAGEMENT WORKS 7) BUDGET WORKS 8) ENGINEERING SAFETY 9) ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS 10) PRODUCTION OF PLANS 11) PLANNING AND CONTROL WORKS