Collins Mechanical, formally known as Collins and Graham Mechanical (CGM) started out in 1997 as a construction based business supplying their services to builders for the installation of air conditioning systems primarily in commercial facilities such as hospitals, schools, and offices.As the company evolved and grew, the scope of our work also evolved and or technical base grew to around 45 field staff including mechanical Plumbers, Foremen, supervisors and refrigeration technicians.In September of 1997 with the retirement of Bruce Graham, the company relaunched its brand as Collins Mechanical so as to better reflect the now sole director in Anthony Collins.Today we offer construction , service and maintenance of air conditioning and mechanical services, and also service and maintenance of essential services Fire, Electrical and hydraulics.our service department prides itself on its customised electronic reporting platform, and compliance based maintenance regimes.We believe we are the yardstick by which other would aspire too in service delivery and total customer service and support.Our office is serviced by our admin team consisting of Project Managers, Mechanical Engineer, Operations Manager, Draftsmen and Estimators all supported by our hands on and qualified director.