Our service is a completely free service, to both couriers and customers, there are no job fees, no request or quotation fees, and no-one, courier or customer, has to pay any kind of registration or joining fee. This means that the customers are getting access to the cheapest quotes that the couriers & delivery companies can provide. Boxby is very easy to use, once registered (free) the customer completes just one form, we then send this out to all of our registered couriers who can quote back to the customer through the website, or if the customer has chosen, directly. All of the couriers can see each other's quotes, so some very cheap prices are achieved for customers. We have over 1200 live registered courier companies, covering the whole of the UK, from Fraserburgh to Falmouth, so customers can come to Boxby with confidence that wherever they are they will be able to find a courier/delivery company for their job. We also have a parcel service for up to 100cm X 60cm X 60cm =up to 20kg is £7.99 and our Freight service is up to 300cm X 100cm X 99cm up to 99kg.