Aliyah Brooks

Claims Manager at Holland Injury Law - Saint Louis, MO, US

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Holland Injury Law
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Holland Injury Law

Saint Louis, MO, US • 5 - 9 Employees

After 21 years as a partner of another personal injury law firm, William Holland started Holland Injury Law, LLC, to focus on providing clients with more personalized service tailored to their needs. Tested in court and mediations. Trusted by clients and respected by other attorneys. Tenacious in his work ethic and creative solutions to get the very best results.You will work with him directly. With a strong track record and a passion for helping injured clients and their families, he welcomes inquiries from people injured in car accidents, slip-and-fall accidents and explosions, as well as their spouses, parents or other family members coping with the impact of a serious or catastrophic injury. The choice of a lawyer is an important decision and should be made with the knowledge that the lawyer you hire will be the lawyer working on your case. Just because a lawyer appears in advertising does not mean that lawyer actually handles cases or goes to court. Ask questions.

Details about Holland Injury Law
Frequently Asked Questions about Aliyah Brooks
Aliyah Brooks currently works for Holland Injury Law, LLC.
Aliyah Brooks's role at Holland Injury Law, LLC is Claims Manager.
Aliyah Brooks's email address is *** To view Aliyah Brooks's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Aliyah Brooks works in the Law Practice industry.
Aliyah Brooks's colleagues at Holland Injury Law are Nancee Ripcse, William Holland, John Moffitt, Cheri Simmons, John Moffitt and others.
Aliyah Brooks's phone number is N/A
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