Utkarsh Animal Welfare Movement is one of the prime movements of Utkarsh Global Foundation which is dedicated for care, treatment and rehabilitation of stray animals. The objectives of this movement include bring harmony between animals and human relationship, rabies prevention awareness, provide free medical care for stray animals, provide good nutrition for stray animals and promote welfare through practical activism. Our mission is to help stray animals in distress and control their population through active public participation and mobilization of resources. We take several initiatives and run different programs such as "feeding drive for stray animals" and "stray together".What Do We Want to Address?The government authorities were licensed to kill stray dogs to curb population and eradicate human deaths caused due to rabies. The WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION declared this barbaric electrocution of 50,000 animals a year to be a failure for Indian demographics and sterilization was considered a more viable approach.Moreover, stray animals on roads are prone to diseases, accidents and injuries. Most individuals neglect the condition of stray animals that are helplessly starving and suffering on the roads and by lanes of Mumbai.