We, the team Bondhon, are constantly working to pursue one dream - To create a linking platform among all the social organizations. Our organization is the connector between the organisations and help seekers. We believe, if all the organisations become connected in event plan making and helping the needy, then helping people will become more efficient. People can contact us and we will link them with the perfect platform. We are performing our initiative through an app, Charity. The main purpose of this app is to help people in matter of charity. It helps people to know where they can ask for help, where they should give charity, where charity has already been given, to connect volunteers of different organizations. Helping people in need is a great deal. Thousand crores of people need help every day. It is not possible to help everyone. But if we come together then it will be possible to help 10 times more people than before. We want to aggregate all those people who want to help others all together in a single platform so that the needy people gets help in a more flexible way.