BRANDiT is a branding and marketing consultancy that ROCKS! We develop strong brands that lead to measurable revenue growth. We work with owners to implement a "3 Steps to Success" program into their business. The 3 steps Audit, Engage and Mentor add value to any business by creating a strong foundation for growth and an action plan.1) Audit. a brand audit shows me everything your business does, says, sends and delivers. It's a top to toe review of the business and shows where you are succeeding in marketing and brand development and where there are opportunities. Many times the outcome of a Brand Audit is a list of actions that your existing team can work through to create a consistent brand experience.2) Engage, we ask the question "how does your business implement a customer engagement process that creates STICKY CUSTOMERS" all by reviewing the existing customer data, processes, staff, business plan and identifying any marketing opportunities that can assist growth.3) Mentor, a key component in creating a strong brand with sticky customers is through positive and consistent client interactions. This means staff engagement and brand training have a significant impact on your bottom line.Consider this?68% of clients leave because they think you "don't care about them"1It takes 12% positive interaction to make up for one negative interaction. BRANDiT mentor staff within your business, our most common groups are Sales, Marketing and Management teams for different reason and engaging different strategies. We offer one off chats through to weekly mentoring sessions based on the needs of the business. Mentoring is low risk, high reward and we recommend it to all clients.At BRANDiT we are committed to providing customised branding and marketing services based on business size, market and specific needs. It isn't a one size fits all approach.