Research Lab on Visualization, Digital TV/Cinema, and Games "Technological innovation and education emerging from the convergence of visualization, digital entertainment, games, and simulation"iCAD Games – (Laboratory of Intelligent CAD and Games) is dedicated to research & development in Games. It was founded by Bruno Feijó in 1989 with the main emphasis on CAD and Computer Animation. Only in 2002, after the academy started accepting Games as serious computing, the name of the Lab added the term Intelligent Games.VisionLab – (Laboratory of Visualization, Digital TV/Cinema, and Games) is a Research & Development center in the Department of Informatics/PUC-Rio that promotes technological innovation based on the convergence of visualization, digital entertainment, games, and simulation, and investigates new models of education supported by digital media technology.Main areas are Digital Images, Special Effects, Broadcast, Digital TV/Cinema, Simulation, Games, and Digital Content Production. Its mission is to develop the future technology and processes to be used in simulation and digital content production closely aligned to the market and industry needs. VisionLab is a node of the Visualization Brazilian Network, which is supported by the Ministry of Science&Technology (MCT), FINEP (Federal Financing Agency for Studies and Projects), and the Industrial Development Brazilian Agency (ABDI). It is the R&D core of the Audiovisual Technological Park named Pole Rio of Cine&Video.