Chief Financial Officer & Director of Advancement at Robert Land Academy - West Lincoln, On, CA
Founded in 1978 as a private military boarding school for boys in grades 5 through 12, Robert Land Academy's military theme is the foundation of its structured and disciplined learning and living community. Value-based expectations for proper conduct, with clearly defined rules and roles, has as their objective the accepting of responsibility for personal choice and the development of rational thought.With a focus on the development of mind, body and character, the Academy addresses the needs of the boy as a whole in order that he can actualize his potential through gaining mastery over himself. Robert Land Academy utilizes a military model to reinforce the importance of structure, discipline, accountability and self-determination. The demanding intellectual and physical challenges are accompanied by training support and encouragement to assist each student in developing self-confidence and self-worth through genuine achievement. The highly structured environment at Robert Land Academy is intended to support and encourage boys to reach their potential. Responsibility and accountability are stressed as a means toward producing the realization that each action has consequences.