Great lives deserve great art.Blisswork. In a word, that is what I do. I make beautiful and strong images that celebrate the strong and beautiful moments in your life. This is what we live for. When I don't have a camera smashed up against my face or am not waxing on about nonverbal communication and Visual Thinking, or playing with the adorable dogface Sadie, I like to read, cook, stream 90s television shows, sip whiskey and have MJ dance parties with my man- though not all at once. Urban design enthusiast. I have been referred to as having an aura of awesome. A moniker I will take, thank you kindly.Who are you?You adventure. You live with purpose. You are yourself. Always. You celebrate in your own way. You are thoughtful and take care of the people in your life, including yourself. You follow your bliss. And you are, after all, your own rare bird. You find yourself doing your own thing, beating your own path, considering all the various possibilities of life, dreaming big. Your sense of who you are is developed through each experience and articulated through gestures of love.You are in love with your life.And I love that.After a peripatetic return to my vibrant and hard loving hometown of Boston, I found a gorgeous live/work space downtown, located at Factory63 on the corner of Melcher and A Streets in Boston's historic Fort Point. This neighborhood of artists and entrepreneurs is filled with energetic people passionate about our work, our community, our vision, and our cocktails and craft beer. I love living here. Ars Magna translates to Great Art. And for the verbivores among us, Ars Magna is also an anagram of anagrams.