Eagle Run Managed Care Consulting, LLC is a professional service enterprise offering services to clients who are seeking advice and solutions to their managed care challenges and opportunitiesEagle Run MCC's clients include health plans, provider organizations (hospitals, PHOs, health systems, physician practices), third party administrators, self-insured clients, governmental entities, and other consulting firms or law firms. Services offered my Eagle Run MCC include: • Provider Network Development• Contract Assessment and Negotiations• Medical Cost Management• Provider Alignment Strategies• Health Plan Operations Improvement• Interim ManagementEagle Run MCC has the expertise and capability to:• Construct and expand provider networks for commercial and government requirements• Negotiate contracts on behalf of both payors and providers• Provide medical cost management techniques that work• Improve and sustain positive business relationships between providers and payors• Improve health plan operational performance• Provide interim management during turn-around or M&A transition All engagements are by contract with terms and conditions tailored to protect the interests all parties