Each week 20 children in Australia are taken to the emergency room as a result of Button Battery Ingestion. Sadly the severity associated with the signs and symptoms of this condition are not common knowledge to many parents, grandparents, carers, medical professionals or retailers.Australia now has two confirmed fatalities as a result of battery button ingestion, 4 year old Summer Steers form QLD and 14 month old Isabella Rees from VIC. But there are many more young children being subjected to painful surgeries and lengthy recovery processes due to the corrosive effects of button battery ingestion.We as a community we need to highlight the dangers associated with button batteries and identify where these dangers could be hiding in ours homes, schools, workplaces and retail department stores.The smallest of changes to merchandising, packaging, medical diagnosis, education, and community awareness could mean a lot to the health and safety of our youngest citizens.It is our hope that no other family ever has to endure the pain and suffering of loosing a precious child in such a horrific way.Please help us spread the word on the dangerous of button batteries.