Analista administración personal at Zenkai Consulting - London, England, United Kingdom
Zenkai Consulting is a leading organisation providing client focused change to drive bottom line results across financial services companies globally.Kaizen (改善) is the Japanese term used for "improvement" or "self-changing for the best of all", it refers to the philosophy or practices that focus upon continuous improvement of processes. A person who makes a large contribution in the successful implementation of kaizen is awarded the title of "Zenkai".We are unique because we have practical hands on experience on how to deliver end-to-end customer experience and voice of client programmes within complex financial environments. Unlike other consultancies, we don't just consult, recommend and leave; we will work with you every step of the way to ensure the programme is what you need, runs smoothly and your employees are trained to continue once we leave. We will work with you until you are satisfied you have seen real results and cultural change across your organisation.