The Gayubo surname has been linked to jewellery since Alejandro Gayubo opened his atelier in 1965. Since then and with his daughters as project managers, Gayubo has become a reference brand for the high end jewellery scene of Spain. Almudena, with an Art and Interior design background, and Pilar, gemmologist, work together to design and create jewellery able to surprise and even make you fall in love. The entire production process is hand made. Every single step takes place in Spain, under the careful control of the sisters, both of them striving to express their creativity in every jewellery item, through unique design and highest quality - integral parts of the Gayubo brand. _____ El apellido Gayubo está ligado a la joyería desde que Alejandro Gayubo abriera su taller hace casi 50 años. Desde entonces y con sus hijas al frente del proyecto han sido capaces de crear una firma de referencia dentro de la alta joyería de nuestro país. Almudena, diplomada en arte y decoración, y Pilar, gemóloga se esfuerzan no sólo por ofrecer la máxima calidad en cada una de sus piezas, sino por diseñar y producir joyas con alma, joyas que sorprenden, en definitiva, joyas que enamoran.