Research associate at Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences - Leipzig, Saxony, Germany
The Max Planck Society made the decision to set up a Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences (MPI MIS) recognising the increasing mathematisation of almost all of the sciences and the significant developments in mathematical analysis and geometry in Germany. This institute was founded on March 1, 1996 and it works closely with the venerable University of Leipzig. It is also a member of the ERCOM association of leading European research institutes in the field of mathematics and it organises conferences at regular intervals. MPI MIS is one of two mathematical oriented institutes in the Max Planck Society.Fundamental questions arising from natural and engineering sciences and economics have always inspired mathematicians to search for new mathematical structures and methods. It is the institute's mission to do research work in the field of pure and applied mathematics and promote the interlinking of ideas between mathematics and the sciences in both directions. Experience in history shows that the fundamental problems of physics, chemistry, biology and other sciences have led to important new developments in mathematics while mathematics has had a profound impact on these fields of knowledge.The main fields of mathematical research at the Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences are analysis, geometry, mathematical physics and scientific computing.The institute has only a few long-term positions for academics. As in other international mathematical research institutes, it has a predominant programme of guests that is open to mathematicians from all countries of the world. Guests may come to the institute for a maximum of two years to work on a variety of research areas. Leading scientists are invited at regular intervals to occupy an outstanding position at the institute as the Sophus-Lie guest research professor.