Alvin Leung

Software Developer at Intelligent Wellhead Systems - Calgary, AB, CA

Alvin Leung's Contact Details
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Intelligent Wellhead Systems
Alvin Leung's Company Details
Intelligent Wellhead Systems logo, Intelligent Wellhead Systems contact details

Intelligent Wellhead Systems

Calgary, AB, CA • 50 - 99 Employees

Intelligent Wellhead Systems designs, tests, manufactures and deploys proprietary and unique digital safety and efficiency workflow technologies for oil and gas well completion operations. Our inVision™ Technology Platform is rented on a daily, monthly, or annual basis to help oil/gas and oilfield service companies reduce operational risk, lower the total cost of operations, and improve uptime.InVision software, sensors, controls, and best practices have helped deliver more than 45,000 stages without a single cut wireline, well shut-in, pressure control, or safety incident. Thanks to the inVision Digital Handshake™ and Digital Completion Twin™ technologies, reduced frac valve activation time has reached 55 percent, and wireline valve action times have been cut by 59 percent. Well swap times on some pads have been cut in half and a continuous pumping record of 76 hr has been achieved. Digital Valve Control™ technologies are the latest innovation that keeps personnel out of the red zone and improves operational efficiency and reliability.

Details about Intelligent Wellhead Systems
Frequently Asked Questions about Alvin Leung
Alvin Leung currently works for Intelligent Wellhead Systems.
Alvin Leung's role at Intelligent Wellhead Systems is Software Developer.
Alvin Leung's email address is *** To view Alvin Leung's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Alvin Leung works in the Energy industry.
Alvin Leung's colleagues at Intelligent Wellhead Systems are Nicolas Lauzon, Ahmed Al-hashimi, Tyler Morgan, Chris Harris, Martin Blasz, Delaney McCaghren, Rip Stringer and others.
Alvin Leung's phone number is N/A
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