In regard to our business the word REAL can be described as:Reliable • Bottom line you can depend on us! Leave you bookkeeping and payroll needs to us. You do not have to worry hiring and training employees who may leave you and then you have to repeat the process again while you books suffer due to lack of consistency. Efficient• We do not like redundancy and we will provide the most up-to-date efficient services as possible.Accurate• And while we cannot say we will not ever make a mistake, we aim to provide the most accurate services as humanly possible. We strive to ensure your financial information is recorded accurately the first time. We will work with your tax professional to ensure that timely, accurate information is available for their needs. Loyal• We are committed to your success as a business and just like a close friend we will stand with you through thick and thin! We will not betray your trust in us!Yes our name says it all! At REAL Business Services we utilize cloud based business services to provide an accounting package customized to meet your needs. We can perform all of the duties or train your personnel to do it. Either way the value we bring is to be the specialists who ensure that your financial records are being maintained properly.