Wordsmith Writing Coaches serve undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral students who struggle with academic writing, especially when English is a second language. We also tutor high-school students, to sharpen their reading and writing skills for the SAT and higher education.Wordsmith coaches are happy to work with you online, meet in any public setting, or meet us at our office to take advantage of our A/C and 18-foot-long whiteboard. We also offer seminars and workshops for academic writing and academic reading: The Academic Reading Seminar synthesized the best ideas of Mortimer Adler and J. Robert Clinton into a uniquely helpful array of strategies and tools we call "Three Dimensional Reading." It will dramatically improve your ability to read like a scholar: efficiently, effectively, wisely. Leave behind forever the tendency to read like a mere student: reading casually not strategically, reading only what seems necessary in the moment, forgetting much of it, then cramming in a panic to write a paper or pass a test. Instead, discover and equip your inner scholar!The Academic Writing Seminar combines the modern PDREP approach with ancient insights from the Trivium, the classical canons of rhetoric, and decades of personal experience. You will learn where every academic writing assignment actually must begin, when to begin it in earnest, how to overcome every obstacle and pitfall of the writing process, and neglected key elements that every professor hopes to see in every written assignment. The Academic Writing Seminar will help you approach every writing task with confidence.Wordsmith Seminars come in three sizes: • Introductory: two hours, $100 per person, all the content with just a dash of practice. • Exploratory: four hours, $180, time to practice each skill with some feedback too. • Mastery: six hours, $250, an intensive workshop to develop all the skills and personalize the strategies to your own strengths, weaknesses, and context.