8eh Radio ITB is a community radio a student activity organization at Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB).You can listen our music through the frequency of 107.9 FM (in Bandung Area) and via streaming http://8eh.itb.ac.id8EH Radio ITB presents a variety of music streams as well as various programs that entertain and educate their listeners (edutainment) namely students.This radio, which is the second FM radio after RRI, is a suitable place for students who want to know how a radio can operate.8EH ITB Radio was formed on May 20, 1963 by ITB Electrical Engineering students as a final research material.8EH is a call sign from the ITU (International Telecommunication Union) for this radio, where the call sign is used as the name of this radio.We believe that edutainment and good music should be easier to access. Thats why we have designed something that would bring instant access to our on-air programs, music, updated chart and news!