Ingeniera de Software – TecnologÃa Documento y BiometrÃa at Veridas - Aranguren, Navarre, Spain
Veridas solves the most urgent security issue you face today: simplifying access for legitimate users while blocking digital attacks and physical breaches. The core of our solution is a biometric algorithm that positively identifies people remotely or in person. While hundreds of similar-sounding technologies exist today, NIST testing proves our solution is elite (top-three placing from hundreds of entrants across various tests). In addition to airtight security, our technology uniquely addresses the issue of privacy. We protect our customers from the reputational harm — and massive fines — associated with violating emerging data privacy laws. Our solutions are proven in the today’s most rigorous environment: the EU. Banks, retailers, contact centers, government agencies and other organizations throughout Europe trust our identity technology. So do European consumers. Now, we are making our proven technology available to end-users and technology partners worldwide. Today, we serve 250 customers in 25 countries. But that is just the beginning, because the world needs identity technology that allows consumers and citizens to move through their digital and physical worlds without friction or fear.