HeartPress PR is a public relations consulting firm which serves businesses, non-profit organizations and individuals with communication goals that better connect and serve their community. We offer clients strategies and solutions to improve relations with customers, media, stakeholders and the communities they engage in.\\"Working with both small businesses and the non-profit sector, I saw that there was a gap between the two sectors. It's not just a gap of resources, finances, or culture. There's a real lack of connection that exists. One group wants the support of the other but has few resources to solicit the help. The other wants to help the other group but they just don't know how or even where to begin. \\That's where we come in. \\HeartPress PR bridges the gap between the two sectors. We further the causes of non-profits through managing the collaboration between the business and non-profit sectors. We play matchmakers between the two to make meaningful connections that better connect and serve the community. We're like the "brokers of good." -- Lori Munoz Malcolm, Founder and Community Strategist -- HeartPress PR\\HeartPress PR - Helping Businesses Do Good