This Organization was initially set up to deliver electronic do it yourself kits in the year 1999.Immense belief in innovation adaptability and integration has inspired us to expand our horizons to multiple areas in addition to kits. We cater to the varied requirements of Electronic test and measuring instruments required by Technical educational and research organization.Considering the varied requirement of power conditioning and Power Management appliances we have forayed into Manufacturing UPS, Inverter, stabilizers .A due waitage is given to non conventional Resources including tapping Solar Energy.The research wing of this Organization since abinitio caters to design and Prototyping of embedded Technology Products customized us per requirements of the customers. We take Pride to be a Pioneer Organization offering extensive training on embedded system development and integrated platform application development using embedded technologies and software.It may not be out of place to mention here that the quality of research and its output is not by accident it is always the result of high intention, sincere effort and skillful execution. We strive to deliver excellence in whatever we do, and to do it right the first time and do it right every time.