Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist at Beautiful Minds Medical - Auburn, AL, United States
Inspiring and empowering people to unlock their potential through excellence in mental healthcareEach of us has been created with a beautiful mind. A beautiful mind is not a perfect mind. It is not even a mind that has been formed without scars or pain. Instead, a beautiful mind is beautiful because of the infinite potential that is there- the potential to feel, to love, to grieve, to grow, to know and to understand. Often this potential lies dormant, like a seed waiting for spring. And when rain softens the hard ground, when sunshine warms the cold earth, perhaps the seed will dare to grow- hidden potential, beauty brought to life.At Beautiful Minds Medical we want to give you the ability to grow into your full potential. Our goal is to make the essential ingredients for true wholeness accessible to anyone desiring growth. Discover the hidden potential of your beautiful mind!HistoryThis is a new medical practice to provide psychiatric services to Auburn and Placer County. Special areas of emphasis in our practice include diagnostic evaluation, medication management, and incorporating lifestyle principles in the treatment of mental illness. In the future we hope to offer more extended services in the areas of nutrition and mental health, exercise and mental health, and counseling services.