Assistant to the Dean of Students/International Student Advisor, and the Director of the PhD Program
Professor of New Testament / Director of Certificate in Hispanic Ministry
Founded in 1876, Calvin Theological Seminary is the oldest denominational ministry and the sole theological seminary of the Christian Reformed Church in North America, which is comprised of approximately 300,000 members in over 1,000 congregations across the US and Canada. A majority of ordained ministers who serve in CRCNA congregations have received their primary theological education at CTS.Yet nearly half of the students at CTS are from denominations other than the CRCNA. Close to 300 men and women come from over 40 different denominations from around the world to receive their theological education in one of the four Masters programs (MDiv, MA, MTS, ThM), the Doctor of Philosophy program (PhD), or a variety of ecclesiastical certificate programs offered at CTS. With a focus on preparing students for biblical, authentic, contextual, and life-changing ministry rooted in historic Christianity, CTS provides a foundation that connects the best of the Reformed tradition with the contemporary ministry practices essential for tomorrow's leaders.