The Community Family (TCF) is an adult day health program with centers located in Everett, Medford, Wakefield and Lowell, MA. TCF is dedicated to providing high-quality services that keep elderly, frail and disabled adults, and those with Alzheimer's disease, in their homes and communities as long as possible.TCF began in Everett, MA in 1978 as one of the first adult day health providers in the state, with a $20,000 grant and borrowed space. Today TCF is fiscally stable, with four state-of-the-art centers.Since its inception, TCF has provided care to thousands of individuals. Today, TCF provides care to 150+ adults each day and has approximately 350 total clients enrolled at its four locations. Our Everett Center's traditional adult day health program focuses on clients with multiple medical and mental health diagnoses who require consistent monitoring and medical intervention. Our Medford center specializes in Alzheimer's care while our Lowell center has recently expanded its care to include both those with and without memory loss. The Dutton Center in Wakefield is TCF's newest, having been acquired in March 2019. It serves individuals with a wide range of needs. Without TCF's care, many of those we serve would be forced to enter a nursing home in order to receive the care they need while others would languish at home.TCF's participants come from varied ethnic and cultural backgrounds. Although most participants are over age 65, we also care for much younger adults as well. More than half of TCF's participants are considered low income, meeting the requirements for Medicaid coverage. Also, 2/3 of clients qualify for free meals and 1/3+ live in subsidized housing.TCF's services are based on a deep respect for the dignity, self-esteem, and vitality of those we serve. We are committed to improving the quality of life for both our participants and their families.Key words: senior care, elderly care, Alzheimer's care, adult day health, adult day care