Executive Administrative Assistant at Wisconsin Oven Distributors, LLC. - Eagle, WI, US
Memmert USA, LLC is the master distribution source of Memmert products throughout North America. We work directly with Memmert to serve the needs and expectations of our customers within a vast array of market segments; light industrial, aerospace, electronics, educational, government, life sciences, microbiology, pharmaceutical, food and beverage, automotive, health care, just to name a few. Memmert, is a generational manufacturer, with succession line dating back to 1947, founder Willi Memmert. Current management continues the lineal pattern of new, innovative design and function through-out the Memmert equipment line. In keeping up with the times and the ever-changing world of technologies, Memmert is there, ready as a reliable solution. Our full equipment line is available for distribution - including specialty and/or customized models, specific for your research or application processes. Memmert USA warehouse stock capabilities are accommodating shipments nationally. Stock includes: Universal Heating and Drying Ovens, Incubators, Vacuum Ovens, Humidity Chambers, Climatic Test Chambers, Water Baths, CO2 Incubators, and more. Customization that can be done in house by our Memmert trained and certified service agents include, but is not limited to manufacturing stands, installing entry ports, and programming alarms. Memmert USA stocks spare parts and accessories for all equipment. Our certified service agents provide technical service resolutions if needed. Call or email our team with any questions about our products, stock availability – or visit our full-service website to chat with sales or service, sign up to receive our newsletter for updates and special offers, and access technical data sheets and specs online. We at Memmert USA look forward to hearing from you.