Our MissionTo guide the child's natural psychological, physical, spiritual and social development, while serving as a beacon of Christ in our Community. Core Values RespectWe treat children as independent individuals and share with them the same respect that we do with all others in our society. We demonstrate respect through grace, honesty and reliability. Christ-Like IntegrityWe consistently exemplify integrity in our leadership, words, and actions in a manner that reflects biblical understanding, and promotes maximum kingdom growth. KnowledgeWe offer a multi-age learning environment that delivers meaningful, productive, and rewarding work. The environment is based on the teachings of Maria Montessori, and provides materials that permit children the opportunity to progress to their fullest potential under the direction of a qualified and educated staff. We enable and encourage a life-long love and commitment to learning. DiversityWe seek to generate a learning environment that includes and values diversity and different culturally relevant perspectives. Our goal is to promote biblically founded inclusion and collaboration, while supporting an environment of openness where the exchange of ideas is appreciated and encouraged. IndependenceWe recognize and support the child's ability to acquire independence in a guided and specially designed environment. We have created an atmosphere of order, calm and beauty which enables students the ability to realize their full God-given potential. Community, School, and Family CollaborationWe acknowledge and appreciate the importance of the family and community in the complete development and education of children, and endeavor to work collaboratively in all aspects of children's lives to yield the highest possible developmentally appropriate results.