WANDERBLESS BY Amanda May Foltz HOW DO YOU SPREAD LOVE? Do you ever feel lonely in your quest to make this world a better place? Join an exclusive tribe of purpose-driven women who are focused on making a global impact. Discover a place where ambition is kindled and community is culwanderbless.com Amanda Foltz is a caffeinated dreamer and inspirationalist her mission is to inspire courageous kindness. She has founded multiple companies and uses them to make a difference in this world. Since 2002 She has been speaking, educating, and empowering others to walk in freedom. Her personal story of freedom is a testimony to the power of God's redemptive love. She has an extraordinary passion to end human trafficking. This passion has taken her on many adventures around the globe. She is author of Battle Cry- A Call to Arms Against Human trafficking. Amanda and her husband Joshua, currently live in Colorado where they raised their three sons. Go to amandafoltz.com to connect and learn