FHD Missions Honduras serves the people living in rural communities in the southwestern mountains of Honduras in the areas of health, education and personal development. We do this by offering university scholarships to outstanding high school students, hosting short term mission teams who serve in medical clinics, construction projects, teaching, evangelism and many other activities strategically designed to improve communities.We are also ministering specifically to people of all ages who have physical disabilities through La Casa De Rubén. LCDR is a home where the physically disabled from remote communities come to stay. While at the house they (along with a family member) are provided with a private bedroom and bathroom, meals and transportation to a rehabilitation center. A daily exercise/therapy program is provided by our staff nurses and other medical services are provided on a case by case basis. All of the services are provided free of charge.Our Vision:Working together to responsibly meet physical and spiritual needs of people living in the southwestern mountains of Honduras.Our Mission:Provide access to quality physical therapy, advanced education opportunities and personal development for stronger families in the rural communities we serve.