In the legal profession, information is the key to success. You have to know what's happening with clients, competitors, practice areas and industries.The Lawyer's Daily (part of LexisNexis Canada) provides Canadian legal news, analysis and current awareness for lawyers and legal professionals who need a real-time view on the shifting legal landscape. Produced by a dedicated team of reporters, freelancers and editors, The Lawyer's Daily provides the critical breaking daily news and digests free for all users, in addition to legal industry news. Subscribers to The Lawyer's Daily receive additional in-depth analysis of legal developments, illuminating thought leadership, regular insight from our columnists, and access to historical news and digests from The Lawyers Weekly.This content is delivered on, via links to the site in Lexis Advance Quicklaw and via 14 AOP-specific newsletters. All these channels combine to keep legal professionals up-to- date and ahead of the curve to provide them with a competitive advantage.