Commuter Connect, a service of CIRTA, helps employers ease the impact commuting has on their workers and serves as a connection point between commuters and various commuting alternatives – carpooling, vanpooling, riding the bus, biking and walking.It is Commuter Connect's mission to reduce traffic and improve air quality in Central Indiana by helping people find alternatives to driving to work alone. Working remotely and telecommuting have always been part of this, along with carpooling, vanpooling, biking, walking and using transit. Did you know we have 3 Workforce Connector buses? We have 2 buses that go to Plainfield and 1 bus that goes to Whitestown for easy job access.In addition to helping stop the spread of COVID-19, another positive of more people working from home is that we're collectively reducing our region's carbon footprint.The average Central Indiana commuter drives 40.8 miles and spends 50.6 minutes to and from work every day.So for just one day of telecommuting, the average commuter in our region saves $23 and improves air quality by reducing 32 pounds of pollution from the air we breathe.