Health and Education Program Coordinator at Vietnamese American Community Center of the East Bay (VACCEB) - , ,
The Vietnamese American Community Center of the East Bay (VACCEB) is a non-profit 501(c)(3) corporation with a 18+ year history of providing quality service to the low-income, refugee and immigrant population and their families. Our target population is the Southeast Asian refugee, immigrant and senior population with an emphasis on newer arrivals.Because of the Vietnamese community's immigrant experience in the United States, they are in a unique position to provide leadership and guidance to the newer refugees and immigrants.Annually we serve over 7,000 hot meals to low-income seniors, do case management for 600+ clients, regularly teach 7 classes (Pre-ESL, Basic ESL, Pre-Intermediate ESL, Intermediate ESL, Computer Literacy, Job Preparation Basics, and Citizenship to over 500 students a year, and provide health screening to over 1000 clients (e.g., vaccinations, hypertension, diabetes, depression, domestic violence and abuse, etc.).We also host 2 health clinics a year to triage community members (in dentistry, pediatric care, general/internist care, audio and visual care) referring them to medical service providers as needed.We offer complete "wrap around, client centrist" services to our low-income clients in a culturally relevant and appropriate way. Services provided to clients are to be directly relevant to them; not a one-size, fit all approach.