By definition, not everybody can be an influencer. Influencers are people or businesses who stand out above the rest, who have accomplished remarkable things, and who can benefit the people who follow them in a big way.For this reason, we turn down a lot of people who apply for our Influencer Architect offerings. If you're looking for a quick fix, a small spike in followers or PR, or somebody to just make you feel good about yourself without delivering real, long-term results, you've come to the wrong place.There are hundreds of subpar agencies who will do exactly that and take your money. We are not one of them.We work closely with a small number of clients over a long period of time to turn them into true influencers and smash their goals in the process.If we decide that you meet our criteria for becoming an influencer, we will then map out a game plan to turn you into a true influencer over a period of a year or more.Anybody who promises you quick results is likely just trying to get your money and run.While we do deliver an immediate boost in influence, you can only truly call yourself an influencer after a few years of consistent influence. This is why we are extremely selective in picking clients that won't burn out or become irrelevant over the next few years. We work with our clients for a number of years and deliver big results over that time frame.If you're not truly remarkable, if you're not committed to the long term, if you are just looking for someone to make you feel good and give you a short spike in followers, then we aren't the agency for you.If, however, you are a genuinely remarkable individual or business that is in it for the long haul and ready to pay a premium for the best service on the market, one virtually guaranteed to turn you into a true influencer over the span of several years, then you won't find anybody close to us in terms of value and quality delivery.