Senior Home Care Provided by CareBuilders at Home LA Sherman Oaks-Owned and Operated by a Physician-Provides Many Services Including Dementia and Alzheimer's Care, Companionship, Private Duty Nursing, Live-in Care, Respite Care, Personal Care and more.Who We Are - CareBuilders at Home LA Sherman OaksA non-medical private duty home care franchise owned and operated by Francesco Federico M.D. a board certified physician (internal medicine, hematology, medical oncology) who practiced for 25 years and has extensive experience in administrative health care as a former executive, founder, operator of physician networks.CareBuilders at Home LA Sherman Oaks region belongs to a national franchise home care organization - CareBuilders at Home.Carebuilders at Home LA Sherman Oaks is also a part of the CareBuilders Los Angeles Area Franchise Development project which is also coordinated by Dr. Federico.Dr. Federico, he has assembled a strong, experienced, capable staff and an experienced, diverse, compassionate team of care givers. Dr. FedericoHow It Began -The Parent CompanyCareBuilders at Home is the private duty home care division of ATC Healthcare, Inc., an integrated healthcare services provider founded in 1983. ATC's other healthcare divisions include: ATC Healthcare Services, ATC Physician Services and ATC Travel Services.CareBuilders at Home was established to help the company meet the growing demand for private duty home care and out of a strong desire to serve the needs of the community.What We Do - Affordable Non-Medical Care In The Home