The DC Health Matters Collaborative [formerly the DC Healthy Communities Collaborative], is a coalition of hospitals and community health centers that combine efforts and resources to assess and address community needs. This work is undertaken in partnership, is data-driven, and engages the community. The ultimate pursuit is an equitable and sustainable state of health for District of Columbia residents.Our work includes many moving parts: 1) maintaining the data portal, 2) launching DC Health Matters Connect - a resource and referral tool for all DC residents and providers powered by Aunt Bertha, 3) a triennial Community Health Needs Assessment, and 4) ongoing work to change policy and systems to improve health equity in DC - as outlined in our Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP).The Collaborative membership includes non-profit DC hospitals (Children's National Medical Center, HSC Health Care System, Howard University Hospital, Providence Health System, and Sibley Memorial Hospital); community health centers (Bread for the City, Community of Hope, Mary's Center, and Unity Health Care); and two ex-officio members (DC Hospital Association and DC Primary Care Association). We have many relationships with a variety of organizations, including many that serve on our Community Advisory Board.