Mission Statement:To provide quality, affordable community theatre accessible to all residents of the Sioux Empire; andTo provide hands-on learning experiences in the greater Sioux Empire community in all aspects of volunteer driven theatre performance and production.SECT History:Believing that local theatre is vital to the fabric of the community, a number of local theatre enthusiasts began meeting in the Spring of 2003 to explore the possibility of funding a brand-new community theatre. After input from the Sioux Empire Arts Council, the business community, the City of Sioux Falls, and local artists and educators, the Sioux Empire Community Theatre (SECT) was born.In the summer of 2003 SECT was formally organized and incorporated with the State of South Dakota. A Board of Directors was selected, and at the first board meeting the Board of members dipped into their pockets to come up with enough money for a Post Office box. In September 2004 SECT became a 501 (C) (3) organization.