💡Many women who've experienced a "frenemy" distrust other women and feel alone. ➡ "To Be" offers a framework to teach you how to find your voice and trust again, so you can build a sisterhood of like-minded women who embrace collaboration over competition. As a female you may be experiencing rivalry from another woman.As a leader, you see work being disrupted, talent is walking out the door and the company culture going down the drain.➡ "To Be" helps organizations "see" what the "Elephant in the Boardroom" is. Utilizing powerful strategies / assessments business leaders understand what female rivalry is/ means and how it negatively impacts their organization as a bullying type of behavior. Leaders can then execute a plan to detect awareness, know the signs and implement bystander training to prevent the behavior from occurring.☎️ LET'S TALK! Email Amber at amber@tobecoachingandconsulting.com➡ "To Be" is on a mission to...-Highlight awareness about Female Rivalry. Empower women to "find their voice." -Transform myth that Female Rivalry is just a "cat-fight" or "women being dramatic." It's a serious behavior problem with often long-term ramifications. -Convert the belief that women do not work well together, to promote collaboration over competition. 🔥MORE ABOUT "TO BE's" CEO• I/O Psychologist with 20+ years, experience, as an Org Change Management/ Strategy/ Leadership consultant• Author, "Behind Frenemy Lines. Rising Above Female Rivalry To Be Unstoppable Together," 2021 release from Morgan James Publishing• Extensive research on rivalry between women in the working environment🔥 CONSULTING • Confidential assessments/ anonymous feedback• Implement reinforcement for positive behavior🔥 COACHING• Corporate + individual. Virtual + in person🔥 SPEAKER + PODCAST GUESTING TOPICS🔥 CLICK THE LINKS BELOW TO DIG DEEPER + CONNECT👇🏼Go to http://www.tobecoachingandconsulting.com 👇🏼