Amber Wilder

Project Coordinator at Just-Tech, LLC - New York, New York, US

Amber Wilder's Contact Details
(929) 277-9800
Matteson,Illinois,United States
Just-Tech, LLC
Amber Wilder's Company Details
Just-Tech, LLC logo, Just-Tech, LLC contact details

Just-Tech, LLC

New York, New York, US • 27 Employees
Technology Consulting/Tech Services

Just-Tech is a technology firm dedicated to the specialized IT needs of legal services providers nationwide. Our seasoned technology experts provide hands-on and customized support, and offer a vast array of services. The scope of our work ranges from orchestrating a migration from on-site email solutions to Office 365, to designing and implementing a new case management system, to serving as a firm’s IT department. You can count on Just-Tech to listen keenly, conduct research and analysis that supports sound guidance, and present creative and workable solutions. We are known for providing clear communication, operating with integrity, and thinking from a context of collaboration. The nuances of legal services are exciting to us, and we care about your work. We thrive by digging in and designing solutions that enliven your people, invigorate your enterprise, and fulfill your firm's objectives and mission. Working with Just-Tech, just makes sense.

IT Management Planning and Strategy Preliminary IT Assessment Evaluation and Recommendations Case/Matter Management System Design Implementation Training and Support
Details about Just-Tech, LLC
Frequently Asked Questions about Amber Wilder
Amber Wilder currently works for Just-Tech, LLC.
Amber Wilder's role at Just-Tech, LLC is Project Coordinator.
Amber Wilder's email address is *** To view Amber Wilder's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Amber Wilder works in the Technology Consulting/Tech Services industry.
Amber Wilder's colleagues at Just-Tech, LLC are Michael Hernandez, Steve Pomroy, Donald Carder, Timothy Wachenfeld, Rick Aldrich, Joseph Melo, John Greiner and others.
Amber Wilder's phone number is (929) 277-9800
See more information about Amber Wilder