NewVision is committed to offering clients, comprehensive quality market research services to assist them in developing more effective marketing strategies.Better business decisions by clients means faster growth, higher profits and reduced risk, both for the enterprise, and the individual decision makers.Our area of activities include both ADHOC, customer designed research services, tailor made to accommodate client's requirements and objectives using a range of Qualitative and Quantitative methodologies and Syndicated Studies which are designed and conducted by NewVision upon sensing a collective need among several clients.Staff base join together as a professional research body through training and experience of the members who share the same vision and goals. Their dedication and professionalism makes it possible to pursue our objectives and continue our growth.Distinguished by an incessant contributor in all areas of marketing, providing timely and accurate information about marketing problems, building on past experience, introspecting the present situation, and anticipating the probable future, to offer data, advice and consultancy services that marketing managers can use to base sound decisions.