Green Alternatives is the resource for planet-forward living. A small, cozy retail store in Norfolk, VA constructed from reclaimed pallets and PVC piping showcases recycled and local art, reusable bags and bottles, waste-free lunch products, household items, personal care, pet supplies, and stationary. On-site at the retail store, Green Alternatives has also gained popularity as 'the recycling place' giving locals a spot to recycle electronics, yogurt cups, Starbucks bags, Kashi packaging, eyeglasses, juice pouches, ink cartridges, and other items which can't be recycled through municipal services. Our recycling efforts are never-ending -- always working to find a new outlet to recycle another hard-to-recycle product or package. Early 2010 marked the start of a new line of business for Green Alternatives -- full-service lawn care and mowing options using rechargeable battery-powered equipment. In addition to offering up an eco-alternative to what has been traditionally a gas guzzling service, Green Alternatives purchases monthly carbon offsets to account for lawn service transport.Throughout the area, Green Alternatives has been called on to present and discuss environmental education to schools, groups, and organizations. The environmental education component has been an incredibly rewarding service to be able to offer to Hampton Roads. Our most recent project is taking on a private school's waste stream in an effort to create a zero-landfill waste result.