Manager, Financial Planning & Analysis at The InterTech Group, Inc.
The Aerostructures Division started as Ellcott Manufacturing in 1972, in Vernon, Connecticut. TIGHITCO, Inc acquired Ellcott Aerospace in 1997 which became TIGHITCO - Ellcott Division. In 2007 TIGHITCO – Ellcott Division moved to Berlin, Connecticut and changed its name to TIGHITCO – Aerostructures Division.TIGHITCO, Inc. is an Industry leader in the Design and Fabrication of Engineering Components for Aerospace and Industrial Applications.Our " Design-Build-Low Cost Manufacturing " approach provides our customers with a complete solution to their challenges.Our Lean and Continuous Improvement Philosophy emphasizes efficiency while maintaining the flexibility necessary to support our different Customers. We view our Customers as partners and our goal is to achieve the highest level of Customer Satisfaction.