ALOHA MENTAL ARITHMETIC is a holistic mental development process based on mental arithmetic system and has yielded truly amazing results. It is an accredited international training program for children in the age group of 5-13 years to enhance their learning abilities and develop mathematical skills. It aims at stimulating both the right and left hemispheres of the brain, which results in making the child's thinking more efficient and effective. Children who have completed this course have demonstrated greater concentration, listening ability, analytical skills besides guaranteed improvement in mathematical prowess. The mastery of "ALOHA" skills leads to greater achievements in other academic disciplines. Currently "ALOHA Mental Arithmetic" is the fastest growing in the field of mental arithmetic.The ALOHA Mental Arithmetic is not only an after school program, it is also another "subject" in some schools designed and structured by a panel of experts from the field of Education. The program is imparted by certified and qualified teachers who aim to provide a fun-filled and interactive learning environment.Abacus Learning Of Higher ArithmeticThe ALOHA Mental Arithmetic concept is based on the use of ancient abacus – an essential tool that promotes not only the ability to calculate large numerical calculations in the mind with ease and speed, but also provides the essentials for child's brain development in its formative years. It is a foothold, which must be treading in the ladder of life. Our vision is to empower students from 5 to 13 years of age to grow to success with the help of this wonderful, innovative, comprehensive, easily accessible and yet affordable concept.