Day 'n nite... Like the Kid Cudi song! But this story is a bit different... In the song you can hear how Kid Cudi dealt with a fight he could never apologize for. The words that leave the mouth when people are in conflict can leave scars forever. Deep scars... Scars that only can be felt... Day 'n Nite... Two perspectives on the same story, which one is right? We don't know and we believe that there is no real right or wrong. There is only understanding... And for two perspectives to understand each other's they should listen to each other and accept each others view. However, there is a missing link between listening and accepting. We believe that empathy is the missing link...Day 'n Nite... A community of people who like to express their feelings in whatever way they can to support and uplift each other, because in the end we are all humans. Every individual has potential and we would like to create a world where every individual can live up to that potential through clothing. We want to unite people who want to live a more empathic life. We are rebels on a missionDay 'n Nite... a brand that combines fashion with a mindset.