We are team of 50+ professional having more than 12 years of experience and expertise in Web Development, Web Designing, E-Commerce Web Development, Android / IOS App Development, SEO (Off-ON Page), Social Media Optimization using various framework and technology like:Development Framework:Asp.net C#Asp.Net MVC 5Asp.net Core 2.0PHPCodeigniterLaravelCakephpWordpressJSON, ATOM, REST Web servicesDatabase or Back-EndMs-SqlMy-SqlFirebaseMongodbDigital MarketingOn-pageMeta TagsPage Speed OptimizationGzip CompressionDefer Parsing of JavascriptMinify JavascriptMinify CSSLeverage browser cachingOff-PageHigh Quality DA / PA BacklinksArticle PostingForum PostingBlog SubmissionAds PostingSocial Media OptimizationSocial Media Group PostingCommentingWe will provide 100% quality work in reasonable budget and in given timeline.Building long term relationship with the clients is my main objective and motto.