Solgen Greentech LLP is an organization which gives best kind of service in installation of solar power plant at your premises. We provide installation and advisory services to our clients... be it residential societies and bungalows, commercial complexes and industrial premises. Providing best and true kind of service and advisory is our objective. Solgen has achieved first net metering installation in Reliance (Now Adani) grid in 2016 at Arkade Bhoomi Heights building by installing 10 kWp solar power plant. It has achieved more than 4 MWp installation capacity and having our own team for installations. Our team is trained by solar pv master technicians who takes care about even small things while installations. Our projects which are 4 years old are giving best results even today and which make us proud to be a best advisor and installer in this field. Giving post installation service is Solgen Greentech's positive point. Since we are already registered with MEDA, we also provide support to get applicable subsidy to our clients and few clients have already got the same and they are very happy with our service. Please refer our review page on Facebook to get an idea about our services. You may contact us for any advisory / installation work on 022-40026500 or whats app us on +919920288031 in order to get any information in this regard.