We have stores in Elizabethtown and Hershey serving Dauphin and Lancaster counties. We carry New and Refurbished Laptops and desktop computers, prices starting at $79 for desktops and $199 for laptops, We also have a Laptop clearance center and boost mobile store at Middletown Saturday market. We are also Independent representatives for Verizon, Sprint and T-Mobile Cellular companies, ADT, Dish and Direct TV, Planet ENERGY, DSL Internet and VOIP We can provide you and your business with 24/7 PC support, We are Central Penns leader in Laptop service, we can replace LCD screens, keyboards and chargers quick and at the lowest prices We Refill most HP, Dell and lexmark injet cartridges, $10 for black and only $15 for color. Business Opportunity.......We are looking for people who want to work WITH us, If you ever wanted to own your own business and set your own work hours, we are looking for you, We are selling the products you and everyone else use everyday, Brand names like Verizon, Sprint, T -mobile, ADT, Dish and Direct TV, F-secure, Business & Residential VOIP phone service, DSL internet and last but not least Electric Energy.