metroSTOR is a brand of Streetspace, a respected and influential player in the urban structures sector, delivering a broad scope of architectural covered space projects throughout the UK.With innovative underground and surface storage systems for multiple waste streams, metroSTOR has one of the most comprehensive range of waste and recycling storage solutions in the world.Manufactured in the UK, metroSTOR is a brand of Streetspace and its ‘safer, cleaner, greener' design methodology, delivers product solutions that help make our neighbourhoods safer and more pleasant places to live. metroSTOR bin stores are designed to secure waste and recycling safely, preventing bin fires from spreading. They increase recycling rates with improved resident participation, reduce waste collections by creating additional storage capacity within the same footprint. Fitted into new development and as retrofit, they reduce costly fly-tipping with the side-waste and associated negative issues from vermin, litter and antisocial behaviour.metroSTOR bin stores, bin room buildings, bin room dividers and bin screens give specifiers the ability to configure bespoke solutions for new-build projects using a proven product system that removes uncertainty and the potential for hidden costs during procurement, installation and aftercare. Design processes are facilitated with a library of CAD models available for download in 2D and 3D formats.